Our range of security seals are widely used throughout the supply chain operations of a range of global retail, logistics and transport companies. Our truck security seals are designed with a number of key features to improve their tamper-evidence and ease of use in the real world. In this post we outline five things to look out for when procuring a security seal... make sure you keep a step ahead of the fraudsters and protect your cargo properly!

One known way fraudsters will try to evade tamper detection is to close the seal but not fully engage the locking mechanism, making re-opening possible in the case of poorly designed seals. Our DoubleLock seal is designed with this in mind, informing a user when correctly sealed in two ways. Our locking mechanism makes an audible ‘click’ sound once sealed, so that you know the twin locking chamber is engaged. Secondly, the tail protrudes visibly through the locking chamber (see image). This provides an instant indication to legitimate users that the seal has been sealed; useful if you are checking multiple seals on a cargo load as it leaves your distribution centre. Once sealed, the locking chamber allows for a small movement of the tail within the chamber – giving you the certainty that the seal is actually sealed, rather than simply cut and re-glued back in place (fraudsters can be tricky...!)

Unlike some other products in the market, our DoubleLock seal has a break-by-hand design & does not require the use of any tools to cut. Whilst break-by-hand is not always appropriate for certain loads (and we have a guide on that too!), in most cases where only indicative security is required it is beneficial to allow legitimate users to remove the seals quickly. Break-by-hand seals ensure that a security seal does not act as an impediment to the efficiency of your logistics operations – seals can be broken efficiently once a truck or trailer has reached its destination, often when cutting tools are not to hand! This encourages positive workforce adoption – security seals should not hinder operations day-to-day, ensuring that staff are happy to use seals regularly and consistently… no excuses!

Whilst being easily broken by hand at the end of journeys, the DoubleLock has a ‘fixed-length design' rather than a ‘pull-through’ design. This is an important distinction so bear with us…! The problem with pull through seals for trailer doors is that they can be sealed tightly around locking hasps, meaning that they can break in transit. Trailers and their doors in particular move a lot whilst in transit… (think potholes!), and if the seal is sealed too tightly around a locking hasp then it is prone to break... not ideal at 60Mph! Crucially from a security perspective… if a consignment arrives without a seal, how do you know what happened to the consignment and its cargo on its journey? Our DoubleLock Security seals hang loose on the locking hasps, and cannot be pulled too tight. This limits the possibility that seals are broken accidently during the bumps and knocks of transport, meaning that the seal arrives intact, every time.

Generally security seals will be marked with a sequential number, acting as a unique identifier noted on consignment manifests when trucks are loaded. Security seals can be marked in various ways (and we have a guide for that too). The best method of marking is generally laser-print… as the laser physically etches & permanently marks the plastic. Markings cannot be scratched off or removed using solvents or other methods of attack. Other types of seal markings can be scratched off – something which fraudsters will use to disguise the fact that a replacement seal has been used on the truck load. If a crucial number has been scratched away from the plastic, how can you be sure that the number was the same as when it left the depot? Our seals are laser-marked as standard - and available in our UK warehouse for quick despatch for your immediate needs. We can also create a bespoke solution for you – with your own markings, number / barcode sequences etc, continued across ongoing orders.

We know of course, that our security seals should be sustainable as well as secure. Our seals are manufactured from 100% recyclable plastics, and we are taking a number of steps to reduce our carbon footprint now and in the future. As a business we now minimise the use of single-use plastic packing bags and instead pack directly into sustainably-produced cardboard cartons, printed with a handy guide on how to appropriately dispose of seals at the end-of-life. We are also in the process of testing new forms of recycled-content and zero-carbon plastics for incorporation into our production (more news on this soon!)
So that’s it… the best indicative truck and trailer security seals should have the following key features:
- superior locking action
- break-by-hand design
- fixed-length configuration
- laser-marking
- sustainable manufacturing
Easy when you know how! 😊 To discuss your needs today, don’t hesitate to send us an email to [email protected] or call us on 01829 760000, and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter below, and follow us on LinkedIn for the latest news and updates.