
A round up of all of the latest Universeal UK news, tamper-evident security industry updates and product guides to make your supply chain more secure.
Universeal Blog
Picture of Security Protocols - Making Security Seals Work for You

Security Protocols - Making Security Seals Work for You

Security seals can help to protect your cargo, valuable assets and confidential items. They serve an important role in loss prevention through reducing the incidences of theft, fraud and lost goods. Every year, hundreds of millions of pounds of valuable cargo is lost in such ways – and seals are one way in which these losses can be prevented at a tiny fraction of that price.

However, your cargo and your business are only protected properly when security seals are used as part of your wider supply chain, and due consideration has been made to the complete security of your logistics operations. Most risks which security seals are designed to mitigate – theft, pillage sabotage, smuggling etc – are human behavioural issues, and as such just as much attention should be paid to the humans involved in your security processes as to sourcing the appropriate seal itself.

No matter how well a security seal has been designed, seals only work if you have security at both ‘ends’ – at the point of sealing and at the point of opening – which in turn relies upon the security and reliability of your people. This goes to the very complex issue of organisation’s values and management systems, and how these are communicated to everyone working in the organisation. This of course goes beyond the scope of security seals, but what we can do below is to outline useful pointers to consider when setting up your protocols for security seals and how they fit into your wider supply chain.

Onion Skin Security

layered onion skin security

The ‘onion skin’ principle is very useful when considering security measures – the idea being that an organisation should have a layered approach to security, so that if one security measure fails, then another will not. For example, consider combining security seals on a larger enclosure such as trailer doors, with security labels on smaller enclosures, such as pallets of cargo or even individual cartons of product.

This can apply not only to physical layers of security seals, but also in security methodologies applied. For example, CCTV in areas where seals are stored, sealed and opened will help you to identify suspicious activity or instances where personnel are not following agreed security protocols.

Custody of Seals

Consider this question: which individual within your organisation is responsible for the purchase of security seals? What would happen if a bad actor within your organisation ordered “copycat” seals for their own nefarious activities and started to use them... would you have systems in place to identify this? Are you using a reputable manufacturer of security seals who have systems to help? This is to illustrate the point that even before security seals have arrived on site, you need to be mindful that seals can be a target for fraudsters. Security seals can act as a false positive that all is well with consignments, and therefore are of value to individuals attempting to hide tampering. The risk increases once seals have arrived to your location, where they are at physical risk of interference. Would you notice if a box of seals was taken by an opportunist?

To minimise risks, security seals should be stored in a secure storage area, ideally with limited access by senior members of your team, and covered by CCTV to pick up any out of the ordinary circumstances. It is recommended that particular seal number ranges are allocated and distributed to designated teams in appropriately sized batches, as necessary for your operations. This can provide a tight audit trail and help to identify vulnerabilities as and when seal tampering / anomalies arise.

Keeping Track of Data

Allied to the above is the importance of recognising that seal numbers are important data which should be collected, collated and stored in a secure way as would be the case with any other type. Keep a controlled record of security number ranges being dispensed out and account for every seal being applied using a documented system.

Using barcoded seals can be useful and is increasingly common. Barcodes can be integrated with barcode readers on PDA’s for automated incorporation into your processes, and reduces the likelihood of human error. If you are using a paper-based system (as is still common for road manifests and bills of lading), make sure that a consistent process is followed, and make copies for archival where appropriate. Consider using seals with duplicated barcode labels on the reverse, which can be simply applied to corresponding manifests / paperwork, rather relying on rewriting or rekeying seal numbers.


varying security seals

Our seals are highly customisable and can be produced in different colours and with different markings – we can print QR codes, data matrices, logos, barcodes, and many other types of information. Consider using a system of colour or marking rotation, be that on a periodic rotation basis, or using different marked seals for different operations or teams.

Seal Checks

Security seal checks on sealed consignments

It almost goes without saying, but physically checking seals for tell-tale signs of interference is all-import for the integrity of your supply chain. Fraudsters are ingenious and will try many ways to defeat seals. We produce a ‘known methods of intrusion’ document, available to Universeal UK customers, which can help you to recognise and train your staff in the ways that bad actors attempt to circumvent security seals. Please speak to your Account Manager for further information.

Staff Training and Escalation

staffing training on security protocols

Loss prevention and security protocols can only ever be as good as the team implementing them, and efforts need to placed into educating appropriate staff members on the correct way to handle, seal, open and dispose of seals appropriately. Once trained, there should be formal repercussions for failing to report issues with seals as they arrive, for example a failure to report mismatched seals on consignments, anomalies, failures to apply seals, and so on. A system of escalation should also be implemented – if particular members of staff are engaged in a pattern of behaviour or regularly failing to adhere to protocols, this should be flagged and reported to senior levels of management for investigation.

Stay Up-to-date with Legislation

Legislation does and has changed over the last few years, and we recommend using reputable security seal manufacturers who have been long-established and are well-acquainted with industry requirements. Universeal UK is a participating member of ISMA (the International Seal Manufacturer’s Association) and also in the ISO committee responsible for seal standards. We are at forefront of the development of security seals and tamper-evident packaging. We regularly post updates about developments in the field and best practices to our customers, so that they can ensure they are using security seals appropriately.

We hope this guide has been helpful... read on for a full of glossary of terms! Contact us to discuss your security needs today – email [email protected] or call us on +44 (0) 1829 760000.

This article is the third of four, looking at how security seals can fit within your wider security protocols. View Series below...

  1.        What are Security Seals?
  2.        Choosing the Best Security Seal for the Job
  3.        Security Protocols: Making Security Seals work for you
  4.        Glossary – Understanding security seal terminology

Thursday, July 20, 2023
Picture of Choosing the Best Security Seal for the Job

Choosing the Best Security Seal for the Job

With the range and breadth of security seals on the market, it can be very challenging for the uninitiated to know which seal to choose to best suit their needs. From the outset, it is recommended that the decision-maker considers the purpose of the security seal in relation to the application. Considering some of the fundamentals from the outset will help to select the right seal for the job…

…why is the user sealing the enclosure in the first place? Is it for loss prevention, safety purposes, product integrity, brand assurance...?

…what type of goods will be protected? What is the value of the goods?

…where is the seal going, and how? Cross-border shipments are subject to customs regulations which will affect the seals that can be used

…what kind of resistance is required? What are the consequences should if the security seal has been broken or tampered with?

…what environment is the seal being used in? What is the operating temperature? How long does the seal need to last for?

Answers to these questions will have a bearing on the material, form, shape, strength of the most appropriate security seal.

It should also be noted that a security seal alone cannot provide an iron-clad guarantee of integrity. No manufacturer anywhere in the world can say with complete certainty that – given enough time, appropriate circumstances, resources, skills and ingenuity – their security seals are undefeatable... but this is also true of safes, door looks, padlocks and alarms. Security seals should always be used as one layer within an ‘onion skin’ of security (view our guide to security protocols).

With this said, below we note some key characteristics of seals you should consider when choosing the most suitable. Try out our handy filtering tools shown on our main security seals category to find a product matching your needs.

Seal FeatureConsiderations
Design Type

Seals come in many forms... Pull-through Security Seals, Fixed-Length Security Seals, Security Padlock Seals, Barrier Seals (Cable Seals and Bolt Seals), Wire/Rope Meter Seals, and even Reuseable Electronic Seals. Security seals also include security tapes and labels, suitable for flat surfaces and edges on enclosures such as crates, cartons and pallets. Each type is designed for particular types of applications - for more information, see types of security seals.

Physical Fit (Diameter, Length and Flag Size)

Each security seal will have a particular tail or hasp diameter, an effective useable length, and a standard flag size for visibility of printed identification markings. Narrower seals are useful where seals must fit into smaller apertures, and for this many of our pull-through seals have smaller diameters, such as the MiniLock 570's 1.4mm tail thickness and UniTite 414's 2mm thickness. We also offer extra long seals, such as the UniStrap 412-XL (overall 51cm length) and UniTite 413 (overall 49cm length). In terms of flag size ("marking area"), we offer specialised security seals such as our UniFlag Security seal, which has a large format (108x56mm size). 


Common materials in use for security seals are polypropylene, nylon, aluminium and steel. Polypropylene is a popular choice for pull-through seals, as it offers a combination of strength, flexibility and wide operating temperatures. However, all types of plastic do become brittle at increasingly low temperatures, and do degrade when exposed to UV light, long-term saltwater exposure, solvents etc. Metal aluminium and galvanised steel cable seals provide more durability and strength where circumstances dictate, and we can also specify stainless steel cable grades for most demanding applications: see our Flexigrip 150M and Flexigrip 325M models.


Seals are specified for particular strengths – for certain applications such as fire extinguishers, kit bags and first aid trolleys it is desirable to have a very low break-strength so that seals can be broken in an emergency – for others, for example mail sack security seals, it is important that seals with strong break strengths are used so that bags do not burst open when under tension. There is a wide range of tensile strengths available, from 5KgF all the way up to 2000KgF, so understanding the possible forces relevant for your application is important for specifying the right kind of seal.

Level of Tamper-Evidence

We categorise our security seals as having either a Low, Medium or High degree of tamper-evidence, based on design and construction features, method and material of construction, and level of certification.

ISO Classification

Linked to the above, higher levels of security seals are often required for international freight movements - in particular, High Security Seals as classified under ISO17712:2013 regulations for international shipping container and freight movements.

Removal Method

Some applications require easy-access into a sealed enclosure, and for this we have security seals that can be removed easily by hand, either with low-break strengths (see our Fireseals) or tear-line features (see our Tracewaste Tear-Off and UniStrap 412LT).

For other requirements, security seals need to be robust and should not be removed intentionally without simple tools such as scissors or tin-snips, such as our UniTite 413.

In other scenarios, particular for barrier seals, we have our heavy-duty cable and bolt seals, products such as our Flexigrip 325MFlexigrip 500M and Fork seals which necessitate the use of heavy-duty cutting tools like bolt croppers to remove.


Sustainability should of course be at the heart of every business, and security seals should be no exception. All of our plastic security seals are 100% recyclable, and we are increasing options for recycled content and biodegradable security seals on a regular basis.

Universeal UK has been supplying security seals since 1992, and we are one of the leading organisations in the industry. Please email [email protected] for more information on our range and how we can assist. For advice on using security seals within a wider security program, please continue reading our next article in the series, Security Protocols: Making Security Seals work for You.

This article is the second of four, looking at how security seals can fit within your wider security protocols. View Series below...

  1.        What are Security Seals?
  2.        Choosing the Best Security Seal for the Job
  3.        Security Protocols: Making Security Seals work for you
  4.        Glossary – Understanding security seal terminology
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Picture of What Exactly are Security Seals?

What Exactly are Security Seals?

Definition of a Security Seal

Put simply, security seals provide a tamper-evident chain of custody for cargo and valuable assets in transit or in storage. They are devices that ‘seal’ enclosures to protect them from interference, maintaining the integrity of supply chains from loss, theft and other manipulation. Sealed enclosures can take many forms – including sacks, truck trailersshipping containers and tote boxes – but what all enclosures share in common is that they encase sensitive items such as goods in transit and are the appropriate point to seal against unauthorised access.

UniStrap 412 security seal on truck door

Tamper-Evidence Function

Security seals, when used properly as part of a wider security protocol, serve two key functions. Firstly, they are tamper-evident or tamper-indicating, in that they are designed to permanently demonstrate physical evidence if interfered with – usually by tell-tale signs of breaking or other physical change of appearance, such as a ‘blushing’ on the surface of plastic seals when subject to manipulation or deformation.

These types of seals are sometimes simply called indicativetamper-evident seals because their physical appearance indicates their status and that of the sealed enclosure. Indicative seals are easily broken or cut open with readily available light tools such as scissors. Indicative seals are used in many sectors, but commonly used to seal sacks and bags, domestic truck and trailer movements, fire extinguishers, roll-cages and crates.

Access Control Function

Security seals also serve a second access control function, reducing the occurrence of unauthorised access of sealed enclosures. They do this above all by their mere presence – well-placed seals serve as a psychological deterrence to access, simply by making individuals think twice about the consequences and what might happen should they ‘unseal’. Beyond this, a sub-category of seals called ‘barrier seals’ also provide an actual physical barrier to entry, acting like a specialised single-use lock which requires cutting tools to open, such as metal bolt and cable seals. Shipping containers, rail cars, and cross-border truck and trailer movements are the most common commercial uses for barrier security seals. Barrier seals physically prevent an illegitimate opportunist from opening the enclosure easily. These types of barrier seals are frequently referred to as ‘high security seals’ – these are security seals which meet the ISO17712:2013 ‘H’ ‘High-Security’ classification. This is an international standard setting out the strength, tamper-evident characteristics and other manufacturing standards which seals must meet in order to suitable for international customs movements, including US-bound consignments under C-TPAT regulations.

What security seals are not

It can also be useful to define security seals by reference to what they are not.

Security seals are not just like padlocks. Keyed padlocks –  often stronger than seals – are much more expensive, and also much more easily replaced. Unlike a security seal, most padlocks are not uniquely numbered or marked, so they can be broken and replaced leaving no sign that unauthorised access has occurred. Additionally, the key itself presents a problem – keys can be duplicated, borrowed, lost or simply unavailable when needed – and in each case this presents issues. Security seals can simplify security processes because they are low-cost, uniquely identifiable security devices which are designed to be sealed once and then broken once, at the appropriate times.
plain cable ties- red green
Nor are security seals just a different kind of cable tie. Cable ties are very different products and are ideal for particular use cases, but they should not be used as a security seal – cable ties can very readily be undone (and thereby re-tied in a matter of seconds…) because they have not been designed for tamper-evidence.

Security Seals Big and Small..

Security labels on bottleFlexigrip 500MD cable security seal on shipping container

It is worth noting that security seals don’t come in any one particular form – they can range from simple void security labels or stickers suitable for application on flat enclosures such as pallets or carton seams, all the way up to heavy-duty metal construction container barrier seals...

…As long as it is a tamper-evident device which controls access to enclosures, then it is a security seal!

Universeal UK has been supplying security seals since 1992, and we are one of the leading organisations in the industry. Please email [email protected] for more information on our range and how we can assist. For advice on choosing the right security seal for your particular needs, please continue reading our next article in the series, Choosing the Best Security Seal for the Job.

This article is the first of four, looking at how security seals can fit within your wider security protocols. View Series below...

  1.        What are Security Seals?
  2.        Choosing the Best Security Seal for the Job
  3.        Security Protocols: Making Security Seals work for you
  4.        Glossary – Understanding security seal terminology
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Picture of Go Green with Our Range of Recycled Content Plastic Seals

Go Green with Our Range of Recycled Content Plastic Seals

Universeal UK is proud to announce that we have now begun manufacturing many of our popular security seals with recycled content plastics, thereby lowering our carbon footprint and contributing to a more sustainable global supply chain.

Universeal is committed to working towards a more circular and low carbon economy, with environmentally friendly security seals which guarantee the integrity of your supply chains whilst not costing the earth.

Initially, our recycled content seals will be available in our Uniflag, DoubleLockUNI411, UNI412, UNI413, UNI414UNI415 and UNI416 security seal models. Security seals will be manufactured in special pale-yellow colour to denote its recycled content status, custom-printed to your particular needs, including logo, barcode and data matrix information.

Methodical engineering testing has been undertaken to ensure that recycled content plastic seals have the same characteristics in terms of strength, flexibility and durability as conventional plastic seals manufactured from virgin plastics.

All recycled plastic security seals will be manufactured with a minimum of 30% recycled content, ensuring that security seals are exempt from the UK Plastic Packaging Tax, designed to ensure the widespread adoption of recycled content materials within the UK packaging industry.

Popular models now avaliable in recycled content options are as below:

recycled content plastic seals

UNI412 Recycled Content Seals

recycled content plastic seals


UNI415 Recycled Seals

recycled content plastic seals


Uniflag Recycled Seals

recycled content plastic seals


DoubleLock Recycled Seals

Our full range of sustainable security seal solutions is shown here - including our recycled-plastic content and biodegradable security seals.

Please enquire via email to [email protected] or call 01829 760000 to discuss your requirements and we should be happy to help.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Picture of Security Labels 101 - A Complete Guide

Security Labels 101 - A Complete Guide

In this article we look at the main types of tamper-evident security labels, and the many label customisation options and features available
Monday, February 20, 2023
Picture of Beat the fraudsters! Five things to consider when choosing your truck security seals

Beat the fraudsters! Five things to consider when choosing your truck security seals

Our range of security seals are widely used throughout the supply chain operations of a range of global retail, logistics and transport companies. Our truck security seals are designed with a number of key features to improve their tamper-evidence and ease of use in the real world. In this post we outline five things to look out for when procuring a security seal... make sure you keep a step ahead of the fraudsters and protect your cargo properly!

Superior Locking Action

One known way fraudsters will try to evade tamper detection is to close the seal but not fully engage the locking mechanism, making re-opening possible in the case of poorly designed seals. Our DoubleLock seal is designed with this in mind, informing a user when correctly sealed in two ways. Our locking mechanism makes an audible ‘click’ sound once sealed, so that you know the twin locking chamber is engaged. Secondly, the tail protrudes visibly through the locking chamber (see image). This provides an instant indication to legitimate users that the seal has been sealed; useful if you are checking multiple seals on a cargo load as it leaves your distribution centre. Once sealed, the locking chamber allows for a small movement of the tail within the chamber – giving you the certainty that the seal is actually sealed, rather than simply cut and re-glued back in place (fraudsters can be tricky...!)
Break-by Hand Design

Unlike some other products in the market, our DoubleLock seal has a break-by-hand design & does not require the use of any tools to cut. Whilst break-by-hand is not always appropriate for certain loads (and we have a guide on that too!), in most cases where only indicative security is required it is beneficial to allow legitimate users to remove the seals quickly. Break-by-hand seals ensure that a security seal does not act as an impediment to the efficiency of your logistics operations – seals can be broken efficiently once a truck or trailer has reached its destination, often when cutting tools are not to hand! This encourages positive workforce adoption – security seals should not hinder operations day-to-day, ensuring that staff are happy to use seals regularly and consistently… no excuses!
Designed For Truck Security

Whilst being easily broken by hand at the end of journeys, the DoubleLock has a ‘fixed-length design' rather than a ‘pull-through’ design. This is an important distinction so bear with us…! The problem with pull through seals for trailer doors is that they can be sealed tightly around locking hasps, meaning that they can break in transit. Trailers and their doors in particular move a lot whilst in transit… (think potholes!), and if the seal is sealed too tightly around a locking hasp then it is prone to break... not ideal at 60Mph! Crucially from a security perspective… if a consignment arrives without a seal, how do you know what happened to the consignment and its cargo on its journey? Our DoubleLock Security seals hang loose on the locking hasps, and cannot be pulled too tight. This limits the possibility that seals are broken accidently during the bumps and knocks of transport, meaning that the seal arrives intact, every time.
Standard or Custom Laser-Markings

Generally security seals will be marked with a sequential number, acting as a unique identifier noted on consignment manifests when trucks are loaded. Security seals can be marked in various ways (and we have a guide for that too). The best method of marking is generally laser-print… as the laser physically etches & permanently marks the plastic. Markings cannot be scratched off or removed using solvents or other methods of attack. Other types of seal markings can be scratched off – something which fraudsters will use to disguise the fact that a replacement seal has been used on the truck load. If a crucial number has been scratched away from the plastic, how can you be sure that the number was the same as when it left the depot? Our seals are laser-marked as standard - and available in our UK warehouse for quick despatch for your immediate needs. We can also create a bespoke solution for you – with your own markings, number / barcode sequences etc, continued across ongoing orders.

We know of course, that our security seals should be sustainable as well as secure. Our seals are manufactured from 100% recyclable plastics, and we are taking a number of steps to reduce our carbon footprint now and in the future. As a business we now minimise the use of single-use plastic packing bags and instead pack directly into sustainably-produced cardboard cartons, printed with a handy guide on how to appropriately dispose of seals at the end-of-life. We are also in the process of testing new forms of recycled-content and zero-carbon plastics for incorporation into our production (more news on this soon!)

So that’s it… the best indicative truck and trailer security seals should have the following key features:

  • superior locking action
  • break-by-hand design
  • fixed-length configuration
  • laser-marking
  • sustainable manufacturing

Easy when you know how! 😊 To discuss your needs today, don’t hesitate to send us an email to [email protected] or call us on 01829 760000, and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter below, and follow us on LinkedIn for the latest news and updates.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Picture of Move it, don't lose it...! Increase Security of your Crates and Tote Boxes with Barcoded Plug Seals

Move it, don't lose it...! Increase Security of your Crates and Tote Boxes with Barcoded Plug Seals

Tote box seals are used in their millions every year across logistics operations in the UK, but plain plug seals simply don’t provide the security and audit trail that is so critical in logistics. Sealing your crates and tote boxes with barcoded seals (or other customised markings) gives you the certainty that sealed items remain free from interference.

Barcoded tote box seals are increasingly used so that operations teams can securely scan crates in and out whilst handling inventory and other items. Our new CrocLoc tote box seal are barcoded as standard, and are available in the UK today.  Alternatively, CrocLoc are fully customiseable to suit your particular needs.

seal your tote boxes and crates for uniquely identifiable plug seals
CrocLoc are available in white with sequential barcoding from our UK warehouse, or alternatively in pastel yellow, pastel blue and red colours to suit your needs.
Our CrocLoc tote box seals are produced in mats of 6pcs - allowing for printing with bespoke markings, paired number sequencing, logos and other company or operational-specific info.

Plug seals are available to buy online - or alternatively please don't hesitate to email us for a bespoke quotation based on your needs. We also have a full range of security seals to suit more bespoke requirements you may have.

The Sales Team, Universeal UK.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Picture of Security Seals & Export Health Certificates

Security Seals & Export Health Certificates

Export Health Certificates

As part of the post-Brexit trade agreement concluded between the UK and EU, export health certificates (EHC’s) are required for the export of products of animal origin from Great Britain to EU member states. An Export Health Certificate is a document confirming that an export consignment has been checked and certified by an Official Veterinarian (OV) or Certification Support Officer (CSO) to be compliant with relevant sanitary regulations, so that live animals and/or products of animal origin can be exported. Each export consignment must be accompanied with an EHC demonstrating certification.

Security Seals

Instructions issued by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) recommends sealing each consignment or group of consignments with a security seal, and to record the seal on the corresponding EHC.

Security seals are tamper-proof and uniquely numbered security devices used to provide evidence of chain of custody, or otherwise show evidence of tampering in the event that they are opened whilst in transit.

The APHA Instructions recommends that security seals are used to seal the consignment under the supervision of the certifying officer, who can then record the unique seal number on the EHC. Seal numbers cannot be added or amended on an EHC once signed and stamped by the certifying officer. Border control staff can then use a seal check as an ‘identity check’ without having to open up each individual consignment – although more detailed physical checks will sometimes be undertaken. The type of enclosure onto which the seal is applied will depend on the precise scenario in question, but can range from the sealing of individual cartons and palletised cargo, to the sealing of a road trailer containing multiple consignments of products of animal origin.

Universeal UK offers different types of security seals to suit the type of enclosure being sealed, as below:

1)      Pallet and Carton Security

security seal on carton     Straplock on Carton

Our StrapSecure Pallet Security seal is a unique security device used to seal pallets and large cartons by protecting the pallet strapping which is commonly used to secure cargo onto pallets or within cardboard packaging.

Each StrapSecure consists of an aluminium cross-plate and Flexigrip cable seal with matching identity / security number, which can be used to the seal the intersection of pallet banding placed around each side of a pallet or large cardboard carton. Once sealed in place, the StrapSecure prevents the pallet strapping from being slid off the pallet and replaced, ensuring that the cargo arrives without being tampered with, or its contents removed / replaced.

Each pallet security seal is uniquely numbered and barcoded, and once the cargo is secured under the supervision of the certifying office, the corresponding security number can be recorded on the Export Health Certificate as evidence of the integrity of the export consignment. As discussed above, this can assist border control officers by enabling them to make a faster ‘identity check’ of a sealed consignment. This can help you as a food business by assisting in the smooth processing of export consignments, helping to deliver fragile, often perishable cargo more quickly and without unnecessary disturbance or delay.

In addition, we also supply a range of security labels and tape for the sealing of cartons. Security carton / box tape is tamper-evident, leaving a void message on the carton upon removal, providing secure chain of custody for even small consignments. Security tape can be supplied in pre-printed, sequentially numbered or custom formats. Sequential numbers can be printed at regular intervals along each reel of security tape, providing security identification numbers which could also be recorded on Export Health Certificates by the certifying officer, subject to approval of relevant agencies.

2)      Trailer and Container Security Seals

Globe in situ    Locktainer 2020SH

For the sealing of larger multiple consignments whilst in the transport network, we supply indicative and high-security metal seals. These types of seals provide security to the mode of transport itself, in particular road trailers and rail cars, shipping containers and air cargo containers. Our Globe metal strip seals, Flexigrip 150M cable seals, and Locktainer 2020 bolt seals are all accepted by HMRC / customs officials as an accepted trader seal, meaning that they have been tested and found to be sufficiently tamper-evident across border points. Further information can be found in Government Notice 205

Please contact us to discuss how our security seals can help you in delivering your cargo smoothly and without delay.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Picture of The Border After Brexit: Sealing cargo with ISO17712 and HMRC Customs Accepted Security Seals

The Border After Brexit: Sealing cargo with ISO17712 and HMRC Customs Accepted Security Seals

On 1 January 2021 the United Kingdom and European Union will finally end the transitional period and the UK will leave the EU Single Market, marking the end of the Brexit process. The departure of the United Kingdom will mean the re-introduction of a customs border between the UK and the  EU for the first time since 1973, and this will have major impacts for all businesses importing and exporting goods which cross the new border from start of 2021.

One impact of Brexit and the reintroduction of the customs border will be the increased use of security seals to maintain the integrity of supply routes between the two customs zones, and traders should take care to ensure that all security seals procured are of the appropriate classification and certification which will be required by both UK and EU customs agencies after Brexit.

UK Government Guidance, as stated in HMRC Notice 205 available here, requires that all goods being exported are sealed with customs seals and/or trader seals, as will be the case for UK-EU movements from 1 January 2021. Additionally, goods being transported under the Common Transit Procedure will also require a security seal, which will apply for goods being transported through the UK Land bridge between the Republic of Ireland and the rest of the EU.

Both UK and EU agencies will require that security seals used for customs controlled movements are of the requisite standard to be an effective barrier to intrusion. These standards are laid down by the globally recognised International Standard (ISO) No 17712: 2013 ‘Freight containers - Mechanical Seals’. ISO17712 sets out three classifications of security seal: INDICATIVE, SECURITY, and HIGH SECURITY, and broadly each classification in turn adds increasing requirements in terms of the strength, anti-tamper technologies and security measures which security seals and their manufacturers should adopt.

As a major manufacturer and distributor of security seals since 1992, Universeal UK has been at the forefront of the development of ISO17712 security seals, and we supply a complete range of Indicative, Security and High-Security seals that are suitable for sealing cargo after Brexit.

Our strongest ISO17712: High Security ‘H’ and C-TPAT compliant security seals are recommended for use when sealing shipping containers globally, and comprise the following products:

Locktainer 2020 Bolt Seal for sealing shipping containers
Flexigrip 325M Cable Seal  for vehicles doors and shipping containers
Fork Seals for extra strength for high-value shipments

Our ISO 17712 ‘S’ Security Seals are seals exceeding 2.27 Kilonewton break strength, and they are a flexible solution for sealing of vehicle doors, air cargo containers and IBC’s:-

Flexigrip 250M Cable Seals

Finally our ISO 17712 ‘I’ Indicative Security Seals still provide a high-level of security for vehicle doors, securing curtain siders via TIR / tilt cords, and rail wagons:-

Globe Security Seals
Flexigrip 150M Cable Seals

Additionally, three of our products have also been specifically tested and accepted by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as suitable Notice 205 customs seals. This means they have been rigorously tested in their design, construction and secure anti-tamper features to ensure that they are resistant to known attempts to defeat security seals and so gain unauthorised access to sealed road, rail and sea freight cargo whilst in transit and during customs handling.

Our range of testing and acceptance certification gives UK and EU importers and exporters the certainty that they are using tested and approved security seals that will help ensure that ongoing international trade is as frictionless as possible. Our Locktainer 2020SH bolt sealFlexiGrip 150M cable seal and Metal Globe metal strip seal have all been added onto the HM Revenue & Customs sealing acceptance list as appropriate sealing devices for Customs purposes:

HMRC Classificationcharacteristicsaccepted seals
Group 1: High-Security Barrier SealsBarrier Security seals that can withstand a tensile test of 1000kgs and which have the unique reference number marked on each component in the case of two piece seals.Locktainer 2020 bolt seal 
Group 2: Security Barrier SealsBarrier security seals that can withstand a tensile test of 250kgs, together with two-piece seals which, although capable of meeting the physical criteria laid down under Group 1, only have the unique number on one part.Flexigrip 150M cable seal
Group 3: Indicative Security SealsClassification where strength is not considered a determining factor.Globe security seal

The specific acceptance of the above seals as HMRC Customs accepted seals, in addition to the certification under ISO17712, give both UK and EU traders further comfort that Universeal security seals provide a high degree of compliance for the new ‘facts on the ground’ that will apply on 1 January 2021. We would recommend that all importing and exporting companies are mindful of these new requirements after Brexit, and that they take a lead in procuring security seals which meet these standards. All freight entering or leaving the UK should be sealed with accepted trader seals to ensure the minimum amount of disruption during customs handling after Brexit.

The use of approved ISO17712 and HMRC customs-accepted security seals provide you with greatest certainty possible that your cargos are sealed compliantly, and will not be the cause of unnecessary delays at the new border on 1 January.

Please call for more information on our range of Brexit security seals, and to discuss your needs with us.

Monday, December 21, 2020
Picture of Securing your workplace against Covid 19

Securing your workplace against Covid 19

Our Infection Control Range includes Floor Warning Tapes, Advisory Notices, Hand Sanitisers and Colour-Coded Tags... Helping you to Secure Your Workplace against Covid 19

During this difficult time, some of the most effective ways to keep people safe are also the simplest. Our infection control range of warning tapes, low-tack infection control tapes, floor stickerscolour-coded ties and Covid 19 advisory posters help to communicate critical health and safety guidance to your customers, employees and visitors.

We are also now supplying a liquid hand sanitiser product, specially formulated with 75% alcohol content as approved by WHO, to keep your people safe.

who-approved liquid sanitisersocial distancing tapeinfection control tape
WHO-approved Liquid Hand SanitiserSocial Distancing Warning TapeLow-Tack Infection Control Tape 


 floor warning sticker A3 vinyl advisory posters Colour-coded Cleaning Inspection Ties
Floor Warning StickersA3 Advisory Adhesive PostersColour-coded Cleaning Tags


All of our product ranges can be customised to your requirements, so please contact us on 01829 760000 or [email protected] if you have particular requirements.

Thursday, May 14, 2020
Picture of New for 2020: Introducing the UNI520 Padlock security seals

New for 2020: Introducing the UNI520 Padlock security seals

Small and easy to apply, the UNI520 Padlock seal provides a tamper proof sealing solution for medical kits, cabinets, trolleys & more

The UNI520 Padlock seal is an all-in-one moulded security seal, suitable for use on medical cabinets, trolleys and kits to indicate the integrity of the sealed contents. For example, the seal serves as a quick visual guide to indicate that medical kits are fully stocked and do not require replenishing, or that equipment has been used and requires decontamination. They are small security devices, easily applied and removed by hand, giving you a simple and user-friendly method to increase security in your organisation or supply chain.

The UNI520 is available in three colours from our UK warehouse (red, blue and green colours), pre-marked with sequential numbering for unique seal application every time. We are also able to customise the UNI520 with your own colour or print requirements, including bespoke organisation information, logos, number ranges and barcoding. 

Please visit the product page here to buy online, or give us a call on 01829 760000 or email [email protected] to discuss your security seal needs today.


Friday, March 6, 2020